Supererogatory Prayer
Prayers other than fard or wajib prayers are called supererogatory prayers, and sunnah prayers performed before or after fard prayers are included in the scope of supererogatory prayers. There are also scholars who consider supererogatory prayers as a separate category apart from sunnah prayers.
Accordingly, prayers; There are four types: a) fard prayers, b) wajib prayers, c) sunnah prayers, d) supererogatory prayers. Sunnah prayers refer to the sunnah prayers (rawātib) performed regularly in addition to regular prayers, while supererogatory prayers refer to the prayers (regāib) performed separately on various occasions in order to get closer to Allah and gain rewards.
The Virtue of Supererogatory Prayers
Nafilah prayers are prayers performed for the sake of Allah, apart from fard, wajib and sunnah prayers.
The Messenger of Allah (pbuh) stated:
“Nafilah prayers are performed as two rakats. There is a tahajjud in every two rakats. Prayer means showing reverence, humility and respect. When it's over, raise your hands and say: to the Almighty Lord: “Oh Lord! My God! My God!" you beg. "Whoever does not do this, his prayer is incomplete." (Tirmidhi, Salat: 166)
According to our sect, even those who have debts of missed prayers do not abandon sunnah and supererogatory prayers. Our Prophet says: "On the Day of Judgment, prayer will be considered first. If that is ok, move on to other accounts. If prayers are not enough for a person's salvation, Allah says: "See if my servant has any voluntary prayers." "The deficiencies are completed with supererogatory things." (Tirmidhi, Salat:188 + R. Salihın:2/398)
In the holy hadith: "My servant approaches me the most with voluntary prayers after obligatory prayers." It is commanded. (Bukhari, Rikaq:38) In the continuation of the hadith: "Finally, I love him, and when I love him, I become his hearing ear, his seeing eye, his holding hand and his walking foot." he commands.
The Prophet (pbuh): "The two-rakat nafilah prayer performed after the obligatory prayers is the most profitable." (Abu Davud, Jihad:168) says. Because obligations are our debt to Allah. Sunnahs are also our debt to the Messenger. What really benefits us are the supererogatory things we perform for the sake of Allah.
Nafilah prayers are very important and rewarding prayers for a Muslim.
Prayers and supplications made with tears after the voluntary prayer will not be rejected. What they say: “If crying comes from the eyes and heart, it is from the womb. If it happens on the hand or tongue, it is evil.”
Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) states:
-“If an eye sheds tears, Allah forbids that body from fire. If a single drop falls on your cheek, there will be no darkness or disgrace on that face.” (Ramuz al-Ehadis:371/8)
-"There is no one whose eyes come out with tears the size of a fly's head out of fear of God, so that those tears flow down to his face and fire touches his face." (Age:386/1)
Tears shed for God cause prayers and repentance to be accepted.
What are Nafilah Prayers? When to Perform?
Verse of the Holy Quran with Tahajjud Prayer:
Allah Almighty made the tahajjud prayer obligatory specifically for our Prophet. It is stated in the verse as follows: "Perform the tahajjud prayer with the Qur'an during a part of the night, as an extra part only for you. It is hoped that your Lord will raise you to the Mahmud. (al-Isra 17/79)
Hadiths Related to Tahajjud Prayer:
The Messenger of Allah said:
"Continue to pray at night. Because this is the worship of the righteous people before you. Because night prayer and closeness to Allah atone for sins, protects people from physical diseases and keeps people away from sins." (Tirmidhi, Deavât, 101)
"...The most virtuous prayer, apart from the fard prayers, is the night prayer." (Muslim, Siyam, 203)
“May God have mercy on the one who gets up at night to pray, wakes up his wife, and if she doesn't get up, wakes him up by sprinkling water on his face. Likewise, may God have mercy on the woman who gets up at night to pray, wakes up her husband, and if he doesn't wake up, sprinkles water on his face to prevent his sleep." (Ebû Dâvûd, Tatavvu',18)
“Allah created in every prophet an excessive desire for a certain thing. The thing I like most is night worship..." (Heysemî, II, 271)
How Many Rakats is the Tahajjud Prayer? The Tahajjud prayer can be performed throughout the night until the time for the morning prayer begins.
When to Perform Tahajjud Prayer: It is performed after the Isha prayer and at night. After sleeping for a while, it can be performed throughout the night until the time for morning prayer begins.
Hadiths Related to Duha Prayer:
The Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) said:
“Every day, a charity is required for each bone and joint in your body. Every glorification is a charity, every tahmîd is a charity, every analysis is a charity, amr bi'l-ma'rûf is a charity, and nehy anil-munkar is also a charity. "For all this, two rakats of prayer that a person performs in the morning is sufficient." (Muslim, Musafirin, 84)
Hazrat Abu Hurayra once said: "My friend the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) advised me to fast for three days every month, to perform two rakaats of the mid-morning prayer and to perform witr before going to sleep." (Bukhari, Tahajjud, 33)
Once, our Prophet sent a military unit somewhere. Islamic soldiers returned with great booty in a short time. Thereupon Hz. Abu Bakr:
– O Messenger of Allah! "We have never seen any other unit that returned faster and brought more booty than these," he said. Messenger of Allah:
“- Should I inform you of something that returns quicker and provides more booty than this?” asked. He then continued as follows; “If a man comes to the mosque after performing ablution properly, performs the morning prayer, and then performs the morning prayer, this person will return faster and earn more.” he said. (Ibn Hibban, VI, 276)
How Many Rakats is the Duha Prayer? Duha Prayer can be performed from 2 to 12 rakats.
When to Perform Duha Prayer: It starts approximately forty-five minutes after sunrise and continues until half an hour before the time of zawal, that is, when the sun is at its peak. It is more rewarding to perform it after a quarter of the day has passed.
Hadith regarding Evvabîn Prayer:
Ibn Omar -radiyallahu anhuma- reported that our Prophet performed a two-rakat prayer after the evening prayer. (Bukhari, Tahajjud, 29)
How Many Rakats is the Evvabin Prayer? The Evvabin Prayer can be performed from 2 to 6 rakats.
When to Perform the Awwabin Prayer: It is performed after the Maghrib Prayer. It is performed between Aksha and Isha Prayer until Isha time.
Hadiths Related to the Rosary Prayer:
It is one of the supererogatory prayers performed by glorifying. The rosary prayer is one of the recommended prayers (with many rewards). The Arabic word tasbih means to exalt and glorify Allah from his imperfect attributes. It got this name because "Subhânellahi ve'l-hamdü li'llâhi ve lâ ilahe illallahu va'llâhu ekber" is said three hundred times in this four-rakat prayer.
Ibn Abbas and Abu Rafi (may Allah be pleased with them) narrate: The Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) said to Abbas bin Abdulmuttalib:
"O Abbas, O my uncle! Shall I do you a favor? Should I donate to you? Should I treat you with honor? Shall I tell you how to do ten good deeds? If you do this, Allah will forgive all your sins; previous and subsequent, old and new, mistakes made." He forgives all that is done deliberately, small or large, secret or open. These ten virtues are as follows: You pray four rakats. In each rakat you recite the Surah al-Fatiha and a sura. When you complete the recitation in the first rakat, ten while standing. You say 'subhânellahi ve'l-hamdu li'llâhi ve lâ ilahe illallahu va'llâhu akbar' five times. Then you bow down and say the same tasbih there ten times. Then you raise your head from the bowing and say it ten more times. Then you prostrate and say the same tasbih ten times. When you raise your head from prostration, you repeat it ten times. When you prostrate again, you say the same tasbih ten times. When you raise your head from the second prostration, you say it ten times. Thus, you will say these seventy-five times in one rakat.
Performing the rosary prayer
You do the same things in four rakats. If you wish, perform this prayer once every day. If you can't do it every day, do it once a week; if you can't do it weekly, do it once a month; if that doesn't work, do it once a year. If you cannot perform it once a year, at least do it once in your life." (Ebû Dâvud, Tatavvu', 14; Tirmidhi, Vitr, 19)
As in all prayers, when something from the Quran is to be read in the rosary prayer, it is possible to read from any part of the Quran. There is no such thing as "this sura cannot be read or this sura must be read". However, Ibn Abbas was asked: "Do you know a prescribed sura for this prayer?" When asked, he replied: "Yes, Tekâsur, el-Asr, el-Kafirun, and el-İhlâs" (Fatavayi Hindiyye, Mısır 1323, I, 119)
How many rakats are in the Tasbih Prayer? The Tasbih prayer is a supererogatory prayer performed in 4 rakats. The rosary in each rakat of the tasbih prayer is as follows: 'Subhânellahi ve'l-hamdu li'llâhi ve lâ ilâhe illallâhu va'llâhu ekber'.