Our Views on Sectarianism and Non-Denominationalism
What is Furkan Movement and Imam Alparslan Kuytul's view on secterianism/non-denominationalism?
Today, those who divide the Muslims of the world politically also want to drive a wedge between them through sects. In order to disrupt the unity of Islam in general and Imam Alparslan Kuytul and the Furkan Movement in particular, those who are trying to spread the concept of sectarianism aim to tear the Ummah of Muhammad, which is trying to unite, apart again.
Denomination is the name given to all of the views put forward or the system determined by the scholars who are considered authorities in finding the evidence on which the main or derivative rulings of the religion are based and interpreting them. Every intelligent person understands the message of the Qur'an, but only the experts can understand the issues related to these ahkam. The Qur'an has matters that require jurisprudence and are difficult to understand. Everyone should read the Qur'an, but in matters that require specialization, we should consult the opinions of those who are knowledgeable. Because our Lord has said in His Book, "...If you do not know, ask those who do." The scholars of the denominations are the experts in this field; they have given their lives to knowledge, and all the ulema accept the scholars of the denomination as authorities. These people are exceptional, extraordinarily intelligent, great men who have been taught by great scholars since childhood. They may have mistakes; they are human, but there is a consensus that they are mujtahid absolutes. Each of the scholars of the sects are great scholars, they are valuable; all of them have a basis in the principles they have defined. None of them spoke without evidence. What is the need for sects today? We can read the Qur'an and draw conclusions from it. If they are the men, we are the men, and this kind of thinking is being spread among Muslims. Muslims should be aware of the fact that if one does not follow a sect, the Muslim will be left in the middle and will not know what to follow. We are not mujtahid absolutes. We have not seen the generation of the Sahaba, read and understand the Qur'an as deeply as they did. There are tens of issues. In which jurisprudential matter can people today who cannot read and only understand the Turkish translation, really be correct? The irony is that the non-denominationalists will, in matters that they cannot deduce from the Qur'an and Sunnah, will look at books in Turkish and defend the opinion of that author. Again, they're following and imitating someone - the very thing they criticize. You will be defending the opinion of today's person instead of a mujtahid absolute. This is a waste of time and energy for a Muslim.
Imam Alparslan Kuytul warns Muslims about sects:" "The day is not the day of research, the day is the day of spreading the cause. It is the day to make Islam dominant. Ijtihad can be made on new issues, scholars can express their opinions. But there is no point in stirring up issues that are 1000 years old over and over again. This is only falling into a trap. They want to pit us against each other so that we research again, waste time; have discussions. In the meantime, they are taking over the world. They want us to divide and lose on these issues, just as they divide us on political issues. Muslims must be careful and not fall into this trap. "
See Alparslan Kuytul's videos about sectarianism: